Friday, February 27, 2015

Pleasant Hill- AnaGrace, Ashlee, Camille, Dave, O'Showen

The community of Pleasant Hill arose in the 1870's and was created to house members of the lower to middle class black community of Macon. The jobs the members had ranged anywhere from grocers to doctors who served the area. Some influential people who lived in the community include L.H. Williams, principal of multiple Macon schools, and Albert B. Fitzpatrick, manager of Peoples Health and Life Insurance company. Although the neighborhood is not in the fairest shape, it still gives people a view of what one of the first black communities of the area looked like. Most of the homes consist of one story and include a small porch in the front. The Pleasant Hill community is significant in that it gave many blacks a chance to live in a civilized way, a way of life that was only just forming in the nation for many blacks at the time.

Below is a map of a few neighborhoods that are in the Pleasant Hill community. Notice how close together many of the homes are. They were close due to the fact that the area was heavily populated during the early 1900's and room was needed for more families to have homes.

Slide Show of the different architecture styles of homes, businesses, as well as a cemetery in the community: 

Pleasant Hill School History

Above is Ashlee Francis telling us a little history about how the community worked together to improve schools.